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Publish date: Mar 9, 2011

Cabinet sponsors possible amendments to likeness proposal

The Division I Amateurism Cabinet has sponsored three potential amendments to its proposal to change the rules regarding the use of student-athlete likenesses in promotions.

The original proposal, No. 2010-26, is in a comment period until March 16. The Legislative Council will cast its final votes in April.

Prop. No. 2010-26 aims to accommodate advancements in technology and facilitate more authentic promotions associating schools with their sponsors while maintaining the Association’s fundamental principles that prohibit commercial exploitation of student-athletes.

The proposal, which follows the principles developed by the 2008 Presidential Task Force on Commercial Activity in Division I Athletics, continues many of the safeguards contained within the current legislation, which allows the use of a student-athlete’s name or likeness for promotions, advertisements and media activities if specific conditions are met.

Among current conditions carried over into the new legislation are:

The proposal takes those core requirements and adds refinements, including the following:

The cabinet opted to sponsor a range of different alternatives, from a proposal that would most closely mirror current legislation with some updating to a proposal that would be similar to Prop. No. 2010-26.

Cabinet chair Mike Rogers, faculty athletics representative at Baylor, said providing the membership with several different alternatives is most likely to create change in this area, even though he said the cabinet continues to support its original proposal.

“We are not backing away from the legislation we proposed (initially),” Rogers said. “We recognize that the governance structure is a deliberative body, and reasonable minds may differ. The paramount issue is getting some legislation passed that assists our institutions with how to responsibly use student-athlete images beyond schedule cards and posters.”

The membership is currently operating under a Board of Directors directive that allows discretion to reasonably apply the standards from the 2005-06 legislative proposal meant to address student-athlete likeness in authorized promotions that include the use of technology not contemplated when the legislation was written many years ago (for example, new media) but which are within the spirit of the rules.

If some form of Prop. No. 2010-26 (amended or not) is not adopted, the current legislation will remain in effect without language allowing for expanded co-sponsorship of  promotions by a member institution, charity, educational or other nonprofit organization that wants to feature student-athlete images. The 2005 proposal was tabled, and the issue was further studied by the NCAA Task Force on Commercial Activity in Division I Athletics. The original 2010-26 would codify the recommendations found in that report.

Amendments would:

The Council will review the proposed amendments at its April 12-13 meeting in Indianapolis.

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