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Montclair State honors athletic training team
Mar 31, 2010 8:37:04 AM The NCAA News
The John Davis and Dr. M. Benjamin Burton Athletic Training Sports Medicine Center was dedicated during a ceremony Sunday. Davis (right in accompanying photo) has been head athletic trainer for 25 years and also has played an instrumental role in developing the school's academic program in athletic training. Burton, a Montclair State graduate and an adjunct instructor who owns a nearby physical therapy practice, has provided care for the athletics program since 1994. Montclair State Athletics Director Holly Gera said the dedication of the center "offers us an opportunity to recognize the significant contributions of Ben Burton and John Davis." She said that Davis "represents the very best example of successful collaborations between academics and practical applications, all to the benefit of our students," and also expressed appreciation for Burton's "assistance in diagnosing and rehabilitating our student-athletes." Davis called the naming ceremony "a humbling and wonderful event." "I look at this celebration not only as an acknowledgment of my accomplishments and tenure at Montclair, but a reflection of the hard work, dedication and excellence of my colleagues and students for the past 25 years," he added. "I am just the face of a great team effort" Burton said "celebrating this honor with John holds a very special meaning for me. For the past 15 years we have shared a relationship that has evolved from teacher-student to respected friend and colleague. To have my name next to his on this facility is truly an overwhelming honor." |