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    DIII pilots program for faculty representatives

    Apr 8, 2010 8:31:35 AM

    The NCAA News


    Division III is collaborating with leaders from the Faculty Athletics Representatives Association to present the inaugural NCAA Division III Faculty Athletics Representative Institute October 1-3 in Indianapolis. 

    The Institute, which is being piloted for the next two years, provides a forum for faculty representatives from all Division III conferences to discuss the role and responsibilities of the FAR on campus and share common experiences and best practices to enhance their contribution to Division III intercollegiate athletics.

    The two and one-half day program also emphasizes leadership skills and networking tips to help FARs engage in the Division III governance structure, and will promote FAR involvement in conference, divisional and Association-wide committees.

    "While faculty representatives have always had a platform to engage in the administration and oversight of Division III athletics, the Institute provides a much more focused opportunity for these important constituents to meet as a group, discuss common themes and develop their leadership skills," said Division III Vice President Dan Dutcher. "We believe the programming we have planned will make this an annual event that FARs won't want to miss."

    The Institute is being conducted as a pilot program in 2010 and 2011, with long-term divisional funding contingent on the NCAA Division III Strategic Planning and Finance Committee's evaluation of the pilot. Funding for the institute has been approved through the Division III budget process, and will cover all expenses of attendees.

    Selection of attendees will be based on nominations from conference commissioners. Division III chancellors and presidents also have been contacted to encourage qualified FARs to seek nomination. Conferences are guaranteed at least one slot in 2010 or 2011, with additional slots awarded based on availability. 

    Attendees should have at least three years experience as the FAR at his or her institution and be recognized for having positive leadership qualities and the ability to influence change within the institution or conference.

    FARs from independent institutions are encouraged to self-nominate directly to the NCAA national office by contacting Marquette Jamison, administrative assistant for Divisions II and III, at

    Participants for the 2010 Institute will be announced by June 1 and will be selected based on accommodating the greatest number of conferences and balancing for years of experience.

    Institute objectives include:

    • Enhance the role of the FAR and raise awareness of the FAR as a valuable campus and conference resource.
    • Identify "best practices" to help empower the FAR to carry out responsibilities at the campus and conference levels.
    • Develop strategies to engage key campus constituencies on the role of athletics in the educational process.
    • Build strong faculty advocacy on behalf of the student-athlete and intercollegiate athletics on campus.
    • Increase support for student-athletes by developing tactics and strategies for improving relationships with campus and conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committees.
    • Increase the number of scholarship applications filed and student-athletes nominated for NCAA leadership programs and postgraduate scholarships.
    • Increase FAR nominations to conference and Association-wide governance committees.

    For more information about the institute, contact Leah Kareti (, director of Division III, at the NCAA national office.