NCAA News Archive - 2002

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Championships receive program upgrade with help from Host

Aug 19, 2002 12:29:52 PM

The NCAA News

The NCAA has contracted with CBS and Host Communications, Inc. to provide championship programs for all 87 NCAA championships beginning with the 2002-03 season. That represents a significant increase from the 24 championship publications provided in previous years.

Host will be responsible for all program production, including layout and design, advertising, printing, vending and distribution to the championship sites. As a result of this arrangement, Host will now distribute more than 500,000 NCAA championship programs during the 2002-03 academic year.

The goal of this arrangement is to provide a top-quality publication to all NCAA championship participants that presents a consistent NCAA message and contains high-quality editorial content.

The NCAA and Host believe the production of championship programs is an opportunity to promote college athletics at the highest level.

Marc Kidd, Host's president and chief operating officer, said, "We are looking to elevate NCAA championships across the board. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure that the championship program is first class and speaks to what the championship is all about. The program also enhances the student-athlete environment because it becomes something they can take home as a memento from that experience."

A significant membership benefit to Host producing programs for every championship is that host institutions can devote more time to promoting the event rather than devoting an already stretched staff to program production in addition to their regular job responsibilities. Those production tasks typically fell to sports information directors, who realize increased daily duties during championships time anyway. With Host now taking on the brunt of the work, SIDs can focus more on media relations.

The championship programs Host will produce are divided into three categories: individual programs, preliminary programs and program guides.

Championships that will receive "individual programs" include the Men's and Women's Final Fours, the Men's and Women's College World Series, the Division I Men's and Women's College Cups and finals in all divisions of football. Content for those programs, with the exception of those for the Division I Men's and Women's Basketball Championships, will include five complimentary pages: two editorial pages on topics such as the host institution, host city and host facility; two complimentary advertising pages; and one patrons' page to recognize individuals and/ or companies for their contributions to support the championship.

Individual programs also will include specific team information, NCAA informational pages and sport and division-specific features. The program may include NCAA champion and/or partner ads and non-competing national ads. Host will work with the institution to determine if a local advertising representative should be hired to sell ads for a specific program. NCAA advertising guidelines will be sent by Host as needed.

"Preliminary programs" will be published for preliminary or regional rounds of various championships. These programs include specific team information, NCAA informational pages and sport and division-specific features. The program may include NCAA champion and/or partner ads and non-competing national ads, as well as sport-specific ads. Preliminary programs will be comprehensive and include all teams for all preliminary rounds per sport and division.

The third category is "program guides." These programs will include specific team information and NCAA informational pages. Predetermined final championship sites will receive one complimentary editorial page on the host's choice of the following topics: host institution, host city and host facility. The program guide also may include NCAA champion and/
or partner ads.

Kidd said the three categories ensure that every NCAA championship receives in-depth promotional coverage.

"That is all part of our integrated strategy with corporate champions and corporate partners with CBS -- to elevate not only the Men's and Women's Final Fours, but all championships," he said.

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