National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

September 14, 1998

Modification of wording

Division III

Pursuant to NCAA Constitution 4.7.3-(d) and, the NCAA Division III Management Council has determined that the following proposals are consistent with the intent of the membership in adopting the original legislation and that sufficient documentation and testimony exists to establish clearly that the original wording of the legisltion was inconsistent with that intent. The Division III Management Council, by a two-thirds majority of its members present and voting, shall have the authority to adopt such legislation, subject to ratification by the Division III Presidents Council. Any proposal ratified by the Presidents Council shall be effective as of the date identified in the proposal, published in The NCAA News and submitted as legislation at the 1999 NCAA Convention. Those items the Management Council has not yet reviewed in legislative form are marked with an asterisk (*). Legislative citations and governing bodies are reflected as they now appear in the 1998-99 Division III NCAA Manual. Further, inasmuch as a federated provision may be amended separately by each division, all federated proposals will be reflected as a division-only voting line. Bold type indicates new wording; italicized type indicates wording removed.


Intent: To specify that the NCAA Division III Women's Lacrosse Committee shall consist of five members, each representing one of the five geographical regions.

Bylaws: Amend, page 276, as follows:

" Lacrosse Committee, Division III Women's. The Women's Lacrosse Committee shall consist of four five members. One member shall be elected from each of the Division III women's lacrosse regions."

Source: NCAA Division III Management Council (Division III Championships Committee).

Effective Date: Immediately.