National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

August 17, 1998

NCAA releases new software

The Update Version 3.5 of the NCAA Compliance Assistant software program was released July 24 to more than 700 individuals who have received previous versions of the PC program.

The update version contains legislative changes effective for the 1998-99 academic year, as well as general enhancements to the Compliance Assistant.

Recipients of the Compliance Assistant Macintosh version were notified earlier this summer that the program no longer will be supported in the Macintosh environment. The decision to discontinue support of the program was made due to the limited number of Macintosh version recipients (about 90) compared to the large number of PC recipients (about 700), the ability to use the PC version on a Power Macintosh computer, and the need to begin work on a Windows version of the program.

The Windows version of the program will be complete for use during the 1999-2000 academic year.

Those with questions about the Compliance Assistant may contact the software-support help desk either by phone (913/339-1906) or Internet (

The following individuals from the membership assisted in testing the new version: Michael DiMarco, Western Washington University; Melissa Freigang, Gonzaga University; Denise O'Grady, University of Northern Colorado; and Bill Shults, University of Connecticut.