National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

March 23, 1998

Association academic issues focus of Research Committee meeting

Academic research was the focus of a recent meeting of the NCAA Research Committee.

The committee, which met February 19-20, discussed the various studies that make up the Association's program of academic research.

The committee heard a presentation from staff and from John J. McArdle, research consultant from the University of Virginia, regarding the most recent analyses conducted using data from the initial-eligibility clearinghouse. Discussions focused on the recent data released by the NCAA in Research Reports 97-02, 97-03 and 97-04, as well as on the best way to continue the analysis of the effects of the Association's initial-eligibility legislation.

The committee also heard reports from James Jackson and John Nesselroade, consultants from the University of Michigan and the University of Virginia, respectively. Their presentations were about the current efforts to assess the broad experiences of student-athletes in the Basic Academic Skills Survey (BASS).

In other actions, the committee:

  • Approved a request from the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports for research funds for the 1998-99 fiscal year. The money will be used to fund studies related to catastrophic injuries, frequency and causes of head injuries in intercollegiate athletics, and rapid weight loss in wrestling.

  • Reviewed research proposals that had been funded by the committee related to creatine and its effects on student-athletes.

  • Heard staff reports on several recent research initiatives, including one on the number of minorities and women in administrative and coaching positions at member institutions.

    The committee also reviewed the form that is used to collect data under the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act.