![]() National Collegiate Athletic Association |
The NCAA News DigestFebruary 23, 1998
Television ratings for Division I-A football bowl games were down overall in 1997-98, more so for the smaller bowls than for the larger ones. The Rose Bowl game between the University of Michigan and Washington State University was the top-rated game at 17.6, leading the top six bowls to an overall average rating of 10.6. That was slightly lower than the 10.9 average rating from those same bowls from 1996-97. The remaining bowls dropped from an average rating of 4.1 to 3.5.
LITIGATIONDisabled golfer wins right to use cart while competing A judge ruled February 11 that Casey Martin can ride a golf cart on the PGA Tour. It was a landmark victory in the first case invoking federal disabilities laws to compete in a major sport. A U.S. magistrate ruled that a golf course during a tournament is a place of public accommodation and is covered under the federal Americans With Disabilities Act. Martin's lawsuit sought to force the PGA Tour to accommodate his rare circulatory disorder that makes it painful and even dangerous to walk. His doctors said too much stress on his withered right leg could cause it to break and could force amputation. The PGA Tour contended that giving Martin a cart would give him an unfair advantage and take away the fundamental aspect of athleticism and stamina that walking brings to top-flight tournament golf. For more information, see the February 16 issue of The NCAA News.
RECRUITINGCabinet proposes changes in men's basketball recruiting The Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet has agreed to sponsor legislation recommended by its Subcommittee on Recruiting that would reduce both the time spent in summer recruiting and the influence of individuals not involved in education on the entire process. The proposed legislation will be forwarded to the Division I Management Council. Staff contact: Kevin C. Lennon.
PLANNINGCabinet takes more steps toward Division I strategic plan The Division I Strategic Planning Cabinet recently developed 10 Division I emphasis areas that previously had been identified by the Division I Board of Directors. Those areas are refinement of the new governance structure, student-athlete welfare, amateurism and agents, gender equity and diversity, financial aid, initial and continuing eligibility, championships and competition, membership requirements and revenue distribution, recruiting, and marketing and promotions. The cabinet is in the third step of its strategic-planning process (recommending goals to the Board of Directors in emphasized areas) that will result in the Board adopting a two-year plan beginning with the 1999-2000 fiscal year. The remaining steps are Board approval of the goals (April), forwarding the goals to the Division I Management Council (July 1998 meeting), developing individual cabinet and committee plans based upon those goals (January 1999), preparing the overall strategic plan (April 1999) and adopting the strategic planning document (final version in August 1999). Staff contact: Ronald J. Stratten.
CERTIFICATIONCommittee reaches set of 'presumptive conclusions' The Division I Committee on Athletics Certification has developed a set of "presumptive conclusions" about the second cycle of the Division I athletics certification process. The conclusions were first discussed at the committee's November 11 meeting and were reviewed most recently February 3 by the committee's executive subcommittee. The list of conclusions is not necessarily final and some modification is possible before the second cycle begins in 1999. In addition, the committee also announced its latest round of certification decisions. Thirteen institutions were certified and one was certified with conditions. Staff contact: David Knopp.
CONVENTIONDeadline approaching for return of 1998 Convention survey form A survey form seeking reaction to the NCAA Convention from the Division I membership is due at the national office February 27. The survey asks questions that will help the Division I Management Council determine what worked for the membership and where improvements might be made. Staff contact: Stephen R. Morgan. |