National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

July 7, 1997

CEOs seek strategic plan for Division III governance

Presidents Commission Division III subcommittee recommends approach to guide funding decisions

The Division III subcommittee of the NCAA Presidents Commission has recommended that the new Division III governing bodies develop a strategic plan that will provide guidance in funding decisions for the next few years.

Following a recommendation from the Division III Budget Committee (see story on page 3), the subcommittee in its last meeting recommended that the Division III Presidents Council and Management Council make the strategic plan a priority as they take over direction of Division III.

The plan is needed to provide guidance to the budget committee regarding spending priorities beyond the Division III annual reserve, expenses related to Division III membership growth and reasonable championships enhancements.

The subcommittee also agreed that no expenses should be approved for new initiatives beyond those three areas through fiscal year 1999-2000.

A report from the budget committee recommending that the Division III organizational structure approved by the Division III membership at the 1997 NCAA Convention be retained was approved by the subcommittee. That structure has the budget committee's report going first to the Management Council and then to the Presidents Council.

The budget committee's report also will be forwarded to the Presidents Council, along with an additional report from the Management Council including its related recommendations to the Presidents Council.

The subcommittee also agreed that the Presidents Council should initiate the nomination process at its August meeting for vacancies that will occur on that group when terms expire in January. Nominations then will be solicited for consideration by the Presidents Council in October. Criteria for selecting the Presidents Council's vice-chair also will be determined.

Possible Convention topics

Potential topics to be discussed at the 1998 Convention to encourage participation by presidents were identified by the subcommittee. The subcommittee suggested:

  • Financial aid issues specific to Division III.

  • Further championships enhancements, including specific models for increasing access to the football championship.

  • Marketing for Division III athletics.

  • Trends in fund-raising at the institutional and conference level.

  • Title IX issues. The subcommittee asked the national office staff to gather information and data about Title IX related to Division III institutions for review during the Presidents Council's August meeting, in anticipation of a discussion at the Convention.