National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

June 23, 1997

Committee fine-tunes rowing championships

The NCAA Women's Rowing Committee reviewed the inaugural National Collegiate Women's Rowing Championships and made minor adjustments for future competition during its annual meeting June 10-13 in Kansas City, Missouri.

The committee reaffirmed the current race schedule and the number of events for the championships as well as the criteria used for selection.

Minor adjustments for next year's championships include a requirement that institutions place the school name at least two inches high on both sides of the boat, preferably near the coxswain in the eights and near the stroke in the fours.

The committee also agreed that the fastest boats will be placed in preferred lanes in each heat. The preferred lane had been the center lane in this year's championships, but the committee will have the authority to determine any lane as the preferred lane in future competitions.

The 1998 championships will be May 29-31 at a site to be determined. The committee evaluated site bids during the meeting and expects to recommend a site to the NCAA Executive Committee in July.

Other highlights

Women's Rowing Committee
June 10-13/Kansas City, Missouri

  • Discussed long-range plans for the championships, including the possibility of adding events in sculling and lightweight competition.

  • Developed a protest committee, which would include the chair of the Women's Rowing Committee, the chief referee and three additional members designated by the chief referee to preside during the championship.

  • Worked with FISA to develop a progression system in advancing boats from heats to the event semifinals.

  • Discussed the possibility of legislation from the membership proposing a Divisions II and III Women's Rowing Championships.