National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

May 12, 1997

Sports Science Newsletter
"Video Game" television spot earns Golden Eagle Award

Chances are you have been watching a sporting event on television and your attention has been grabbed by the NCAA public service announcement "Video Game."

In it, a group of guys are bugging the person playing a simulated driving game as they all have a few too many drinks. Suddenly, the scene changes from the frat house to an actual automobile and the driver swerves into oncoming traffic. Game over.

If you have indeed noticed, you are not the only one. This PSA received a Golden Eagle Award from the Council on International Non-theatrical Events (CINE), a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of outstanding producers, directors and other craftspeople in the industry, in the category of public health drug- and alcohol-abuse spots.

The video was produced by Global Exchange, Inc., using Philadelphia-area actors. Nick Teare, management supervisor at Global, said there are a couple of things that make the video effective.

"The way it seamlessly goes from an innocent game into real life underscores the slim margin between the two," he said. "It has sudden impact. The scene is fun, then there is a dramatic switch. We did some research this year and there was a surprising amount of recall of the commercial among college students. They were able to describe it very closely.

"The point of view is that you're one of the guys. It's not preachy. It's something you empathize with."

Teare said the piece has gotten more recognition than any other piece Global has produced.

NCAA public service announcements addressing drinking and driving are produced in cooperation with and supported by the TEAM (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management) Coalition and the U.S. Department of Transportation.