National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

April 14, 1997

Presidents look ahead at March meetings -- Division III

Championships statement of principles endorsed

A statement reasserting the primary importance of the educational and competitive value of in-season regional play and conference championships has been endorsed by the Division III subcommittee of the NCAA Presidents Commission and will be distributed to the membership for review.

Meeting March 27 in Indianapolis, the subcommittee reviewed the results of straw votes concerning championships alternatives that occurred during the Division III business session at the January NCAA Convention. It also reviewed a subsequent statement prepared at a joint orientation meeting of the Division III Management Council and Presidents Council in March.

The straw vote -- following discussion at the Convention of proposals for subgrouping or subdivision of championships -- indicated that about 60 percent of the Division III membership prefer to stay with previously approved championships enhancements rather than further changing the championships structure.

In reviewing transcripts of the championships discussion, the subcommittee noted several common themes:

  • Timing issues. Institutions noted that it would be premature to consider the subdivision and subgrouping championships models before implementation of the enhancements. Concern also was expressed that the subgrouping and subdivision models should not be considered simultaneously with the Association's restructuring.

  • Lack of opportunity for self-selection. Institutions wanted to be able to determine where they would be placed in either a subdivision or subgrouping model.

  • Arbitrariness. Institutions felt certain factors in the models were arbitrary.

  • Scheduling. There was concern that institutions no longer would be able to play institutions that they traditionally have played.

  • Football. Questions arose concerning how football would be treated in any new championships structure.

  • Automatic bids. Concern was expressed regarding handling of automatic bids for conference champions in any new championships structure.

  • Division III philosophy. Institutions noted that emphasis should be placed on participation rather than success in championships.

    The statement of principles, which presents points of emphasis for Division III governing bodies during the coming year related to championships, will be distributed to the Division III membership for review and consideration later this month.

    In other action, the subcommittee agreed that the chair and vice-chair of the Division III Presidents Council would serve as the Division III representatives on the new Association-wide Executive Committee.

    Also, guiding principles for the new Division III Budget, Championships and Nominating Committees were approved for the new governance structure. The Presidents Commission subcommittee had reviewed the principles in draft form at an earlier meeting.