National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

April 7, 1997

Penalties being drafted for tobacco-ban violations

Various NCAA rules committees currently are working to draft specific penalties for participants (such as coaches, games personnel and officials) who violate the tobacco ban (NCAA Bylaw 11.1.7) during any sports practice or game.

Once these penalties are in place, the NCAA Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports Committee will focus on educational methods to maximize compliance with the NCAA ban on the use of tobacco products.

The rules committees are acting following the passage of 1997 Convention Proposal No. 134, which was sponsored by the NCAA Council and recommended by the competitive-safeguards committee. The legislation calls for an implementation date of August 1, 1997.

These developing disciplinary actions will complement penalties that previously have been adopted for student-athletes. Those penalties state that any student-athlete who uses tobacco products during a practice or competition shall be disqualified for the remainder of that practice or competition.

In addition to these penalties, tobacco use at NCAA championships by any individual on the field of play (including dugouts in baseball) as well as during other championship activities such as banquets, autograph sessions, press conferences and postgame interviews is pro- hibited.

At this time, violations of the policy are dealt with by the appropriate sports committee in accordance with the misconduct provisions of NCAA Bylaw 31.1.8.

Educational information about tobacco's dangerous effects can be obtained by calling 800/4-CANCER.