National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

February 24, 1997

Events suggested for 10th National Student-Athlete Day

The 10th anniversary of National Student-Athlete Day will be observed April 6, and NCAA institutions are being urged to become part of the celebration.

Schools can plan events that celebrate the hard work of student-athletes throughout the year. Among suggested activities:

  • Awards luncheons where student-athletes are recognized for their academic and athletics success and for their commitment to the community.

  • Take student-athletes to a middle or high school to talk about how much fun it is to be an athlete.

  • Designate the half time of a game to give National Student-Athlete Day award certificates to one student-athlete from each athletics team who has done well on the playing field and in the classroom and community.

  • Organize a teacher/coach appreciation day, during which student-athletes can thank those who encourage and support them.

    National Student-Athlete Day is sponsored by Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society, the National Consortium for Academics and Sports, and the NCAA.

    The day's sponsors are reminding potential sponsors of National Student-Athlete Day events that even though April 6 falls on a Sunday, events can be planned for any time during the month.

    Information packets about National Student-Athlete Day were mailed in January to athletics directors at NCAA members.

    Institutions that did not receive a packet or that are seeking additional information can write to the Center for the Study of Sport in Society, 360 Huntington Avenue, 161CP, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, or call Pamela Gutlon or Suzi Katz at 617/373-4025.

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