![]() National Collegiate Athletic Association |
The NCAA News DigestJanuary 20, 1997
CONVENTIONDelegates take action on athlete-welfare issues Delegates to the Association's 91st annual Convention approved significant changes in Division I legislation that are designed to improve student-athlete welfare. The two primary changes involved approval of legislation that will permit student-athletes to work during the school year and receive earnings up to the cost of attendance and approval of another proposal that will grant a fourth season of eligibility to a partial qualifier who completes a baccalaureate degree before the beginning of this or her fifth year of collegiate enrollment. Staff contact: Stephen R. Morgan.
FOOTBALLCommission asks Board to study I-A postseason football The NCAA Presidents Commission will ask the Division I Board of Directors to study the NCAA's role Division I-A postseason football. The Commission agreed to take the action after receiving a report on current NCAA involvement in I-A postseason football. It also acted partly in response to a letter from the Western Athletic Conference Council of Presi-dents. Staff contact: Stephen R. Morgan.
SOFTBALLFirst softball rules book available for purchase The 1997 NCAA Softball Rules is available to purchase. The rules book, which costs $4, will be used in all NCAA competition beginning with the 1997 season. In January 1996, the NCAA Convention approved the formation of the Women's Soft-ball Rules Committee. Since that time, members of the committee have been developing the playing rules. In the past, NCAA schools have followed rules written by the Amateur Softball Association. The book may be obtained by contacting NCAA Publishing, P.O. Box 7347, Overland Park, Kansas 66207-0347 or by calling 913/339-1900.
Staff contact: Laurie Bollig.
CHOICESGrant applications to be submitted by February 7 Member institutions are reminded that applications for CHOICES grants are due February 7. The forms and grant guidelines were sent to athletics directors, chief executive officers and directors of student affairs in October. The CHOICES program seeks to encourage NCAA member institutions and conferences to implement and evaluate alcohol-education programs. Staff contact: Frank D. Uryasz.
GRADUATION RATESDisclosure form due at national office by March 1 Compliance-form designees at Division I institutions are reminded that the 1997 NCAA graduation-rates disclosure form is to be return-ed to the national office by March 1. Along with other information, institutions are required to submit graduation data for the entering freshman class of 1990-91 and the transfers of 1990-91 and enrollment data for the fall 1996 term. Staff contact: Maria DeJulio.