National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News Features

December 2, 1996

Interpretations Committee minutes

Conference No. 11
October 15, 1996

Acting for the NCAA Council, the committee issued the following interpretations:

Official Visit/Two-Year College

1. Prospect Making Visit to Member Institution in Conjunction with a Paid Visit to a Two-Year College (Divisions I, II and III). An institution may not make arrangements with a two-year college for a prospect to visit its campus in conjunction with the prospect receiving a visit to the two-year college. [References: NCAA Bylaws 13.02.12-(c) (representative of athletics interest) and 13.8 (unofficial "nonpaid" visit)]

Complimentary Admissions/Partial Qualifier

2. Partial Qualifiers Receiving Complimentary Admissions (Divisions I and II). An institution may provide a partial qualifier four complimentary admissions for home contests only (in the student-athlete's sport), inasmuch as a partial qualifier may engage in practice sessions on campus or at the institution's regular practice facility. The committee recommended that the NCAA Legislative Review Committee modify the provisions of (partial qualifier or nonqualifier) and (partial qualifier or nonqualifier) to reflect this interpretation. [References: (institutional contests in the student-athlete's sport), (partial qualifier or nonqualifier) and (partial qualifier or nonqualifier)]