National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News Features

November 18, 1996

Administrative Committee minutes

Conference No. 22
Octover 30-31, 1996

1. Acting for the Council, the Administrative Committee:

a. Appointed Bebe Bryans, women's rowing coach, Georgetown University, to the Women's Rowing Committee, replacing Chris Lange, no longer at an NCAA member institution.

b. Appointed Don Landry, commissioner, Sunshine State Conference, to the Division II Men's Basketball Committee, replacing Marvin Vanover, resigned.

c. Received information from the Council Subcommittee on Initial-Eligibility Waivers regarding previous denials involving student-athletes who were English core-course deficient by one unit or one-half unit and whose grade-point average was above 2.900; and suggested guidelines by which the subcommittee may reconsider previous denials.

d. Agreed to recommend to the Council that it oppose Proposal No. 2-7, as revised, at the 1997 Convention.

e. Approved requests for waivers of Bylaws and (c) for the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, and the University of North Carolina, Asheville, respectively, for failure to meet minimum financial aid awards.

f. Approved a request for a waiver under the provisions of Bylaw to permit Ball State University to replace one of its countable coaches in the sport of women's basketball through the end of the 1996-97 season.

g. Approved a request for a waiver under the provisions of Bylaw 16.13.1 to permit the University of Houston to cover jaw surgery expenses for a student-athlete who was injured in July during a voluntary workout in the institution's indoor football practice facility.

h. Approved a request for a waiver under the provisions of Bylaw 16.13.1 to permit the University of Notre Dame to pay expenses for a student-athlete to attend a "fear-of-flying" course off-campus.

i. Approved a request for a waiver under the provisions of Bylaw 16.13.1 to permit George Mason University to provide lunch for its Student-Athlete Council twice a year.

j. Approved the following proposals as consent-package items for the 1997 Convention: Nos. 2-52, 2-67, 2-72, 2-83, 2-101, and 2-112.

k. Approved proposed amendments to Proposal No. 2-3 (Division I Athletics Certification) for the 1997 Convention to specify that Division I member institutions shall complete, at least once every 10 years, an institutional self-study.

2. Acting for the Council and Executive Committee, the Administrative Committee:

a. Approved the proposed budget cycle and meeting schedule for the Association's governance groups in 1997 and 1998.

b. Remanded to the Honors Committee its request to present a special recognition award posthumously at the 1997 honors dinner and asked that it develop a policy statement and guidelines for presenting such an award.

3. Report of actions taken by the executive director per Constitution 4.3.2. Acting for the Executive Committee:

Approved waiver requests per the provisions of Bylaw from the Atlantic Coast Conference (men's and women's Division I basketball), the Northern Sun Conference (men's and women's Division II basketball) and the Southwestern Athletic Conference (men's and women's Division I basketball), each of which failed to meet the provisions of Bylaw