National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News Features

November 18, 1996

Legislative assistance

1996 Column No. 41

Bylaw 11.7.5
Off-campus recruiting limitations

NCAA Division I institutions should note that there is a limit on the number of institutional coaching staff members who may contact or evaluate prospects off campus at any one time. These limitations (listed on pages 91-92 of the 1996-97 NCAA Manual) apply to all Division I sports.

The following points list NCAA regulations and official interpretations related to NCAA Bylaw 11.7.5:

'At any one time'

If the limit of coaches who are permitted to contact or evaluate prospects off campus at any one time is reached, another coach in that same sport may not leave campus to engage in off-campus recruiting activities until one of the other coaches who is off campus actually returns to campus. (Bylaw

Transportation delay

If the maximum number of authorized coaches is recruiting off campus and another coach is scheduled to depart for recruiting purposes when one of those coaches returns, that coach may depart at the scheduled time if the incoming coach encounters a transportation delay (e.g., flight difficulties), provided the departing coach does not leave prior to the time that the incoming coach is scheduled to return to the home transportation site (e.g., airport terminal, bus terminal), and the coach who is encountering the transportation delay does not engage in any additional recruiting activities on that trip. (Bylaw

Recruiting travel combined with other travel

A coach who combines nonrecruiting travel (e.g., vacation, speaking engagement) with a recruiting trip may be replaced for purposes of recruitment with another authorized coach, provided the coach being replaced does not engage in additional recruiting activities until after he or she has returned to the institution's campus. The coach leaving the campus may depart not earlier than the time the replaced coach normally would return to the home transportation site (if the coach had been returning to campus). (Bylaw

Observing son or daughter in contest

An institution's coach who observes his or her son or daughter in a contest does not utilize one of the four permissible evaluations for any participant in the contest and, in Division I, the coaching staff member is not counted in the limitations on the number of coaches who may be off campus for purposes of recruitment at any one time. (Official Interpretation)

Combined men's and women's sports programs

In combined programs (e.g., men's and women's track), it is permissible for all the institution's coaches to be involved in off- campus recruitment activities at any one time; however, the institution may not exceed the limits on the number of coaches who may recruit student-athletes at any one time in either the men's or women's sport. For example, if an institution conducts a combined men's and women's track program, no more than two coaches may be involved in off-campus recruiting activities of male track prospective student-athletes at any one time, and no more than two coaches may be involved in off-campus recruiting activities of female track prospective student-athletes at any one time. Under these circumstances, all four coaches will still be permitted to observe a competition in which both male and female prospective student-athletes participate. (Official Interpretation)

This material was provided by the legislative services staff as an aid to member institutions. If an institution has a question or comment regarding this column, such correspondence should be directed to Richard C. Perko, legislative assistant, at the NCAA national office. This information is available on the Collegiate Sports Network.