National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

September 16, 1996

Interpretations Committee minutes

Conference No. 7
July 2, 1996

Acting for the NCAA Council, the committee issued the following interpretations:

Outside Competition/
Two-Year College
Transfer/Nonqualifier/Partial Qualifier

1. Ineligible Two-Year College Transfer Student and Competition on Outside Team. The committee reviewed the issue of ineligible transfer student-athletes participating on outside teams and determined the following:

a. A two-year college transfer student who is a nonqualifier or partial qualifier and does not meet the applicable transfer requirements is not permitted to practice or compete on an institution's club team, or on an outside team, during the first academic year of residence at the certifying institution.

b. A four-year college transfer student who is a nonqualifier or partial qualifier and who has not completed an academic year in residence is not permitted to practice or compete on an institution's club team or an outside team until the individual has completed an academic year in residence.

[References: (outside competition -- partial qualifier and nonqualifier), 14.3.4 (residence requirement -- partial qualifier and nonqualifier), (partial qualifier or nonqualifier -- sports other than football and men's basketball), (partial qualifier or nonqualifier -- football and men's basketball), (partial qualifier or nonqualifier)]

Basketball/Event Certification

2. Providing Athletics Apparel to Event Participants. A prospect who attends a certified basketball event may retain an event T-shirt. All other apparel items (e.g., shoes or shorts) may be retained only if the prospect is charged the normal retail value of such items (as opposed to the event's cost in purchasing the items). [Reference: 30.15-(d) (summer basketball event certification)]