National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

September 16, 1996

Membership total hits record high of 1,203

Despite a moratorium on new active membership imposed a year ago, total Association membership reached a new all-time high of 1,203 as of September 1.

The growth was due entirely to small increases in the affiliated-organizations and corresponding-membership categories. Affiliated organizations increased by a total of three in the last year, and corresponding members went up by a total of five.

Conference and active membership actually have decreased since last September, from 109 to 108 conferences and from 903 to 902 active members.

Despite the moratorium on new members, two institutions were granted waivers to become first-year provisional members. They are Belmont University (Division I-AAA) and the University of Findlay (Division II).

A three-year application process for provisional members was adopted at the 1994 NCAA Convention. The first year is considered an educational or orientation year in which the member receives all NCAA forms, publications, mailings and general information from the national office regarding the activities of the Association.

Provisional members are expected to be in full compliance with the Association's legislation during the second and third years. They also are required to administer their athletics programs under the rules and regulations of their preferred divisions.

Also during the second and third years, the members may be counted for the purpose of meeting scheduling requirements as an NCAA opponent in the divisions in which they are seeking active membership. However, no waiver opportunities are available other than those related to circumstances beyond the school's control.

In addition to the two new provisional members, there are 55 institutions entering their second year of provisional membership and 36 entering their third year.

The new affiliated organizations joining the Association in the last year are the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame, U.S. Synchronized Swimming Inc., Triple Crown Women's Intercollegiate Basketball Association and Eastern Atlantic Gymnastics League.

New corresponding members joining in the last year are Baptist Bible College, Benedict College (South Carolina), Le Tourneau University, University of Pittsburgh-Greenburg, Northwest Conference of Independent Colleges and Tiffin University.