NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Women of Color Symposium begins tonight

May 7, 2009 11:06:41 AM

The NCAA News

The Women of Color Symposium Thursday night and Friday in Indianapolis will focus on strategies that address issues facing women of color in intercollegiate athletics.

The NCAA national office is partnering with the Black Women in Sport Foundation to host the event as a follow-up to a symposium at the 2008 NCAA Convention in Nashville.

A group of 24 administrators, coaches and academics representing all three divisions, various backgrounds and areas of expertise and multiple sports were selected to participate in the symposium and will be charged with generating recommendations. Texas track coach Bev Kearney, Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association Director of Championships  Monique Morgan, Vassar Athletics Director Sharon Beverly and Oklahoma Associate AD Gloria Nevarez are among the participants.

Sharon Yee, a researcher at Arizona State, will be the guest speaker. Felicia Hall Allen, president and chief executive officer of the consulting firm Felicia Hall Allen and Associates, will serve as moderator.

Actions and recommendations from the symposium will be detailed in a report that will be shared with appropriate governance groups.  

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