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WBCA study reveals female majority in coaching

Mar 5, 2009 9:42:31 AM

The NCAA News

The Women’s Basketball Coaches Association has released a study showing that about two-thirds of head coaches and associate head coaches in Division I programs are female.

The WBCA’s first demographics study includes all Division I programs and those that are transitioning to Division I from other levels. The purpose of the project is to study the growth of diversity in the Division I women’s basketball coaching ranks.

Other findings include:

•         Nearly one in every five NCAA Division I women’s basketball head coach is African-American.

•         About one-third of African-American head coaches are male.

•         There are a higher percentage of African-American associate head coaches than there are African-American head coaches, which may be an indicator that qualified minorities are ascending through the ranks.

•         There are two Hispanic head coaches in Division I women’s basketball.

To view a more detailed summary of findings for head coaches, click here. To view a more detailed summary of findings for associate head coaches, click here.

The annual study also is intended to reflect the success of a program the WBCA launched in 2003 called, “So You Want to be a Coach.” The purpose of the workshop is to provide an educational and professional foundation for female basketball players, with emphasis on minority candidates, in order to better prepare them for entering the coaching profession.

The workshop is two and a half days of programming. The goal is to increase the number of minority female basketball players who aspire to coach. 

WBCA officials say the program has touched 278 minority female basketball players, and of those, 158 are now working in women’s basketball. 

The 2009 workshop is April 3-5 during the WBCA national convention in St. Louis. The program is made possible through an NCAA Matching Grant for the Advancement of Minority Women Coaches. For more information on the program, click here.

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