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Title IX assessment course offered

Sep 11, 2009 8:48:15 AM

The NCAA News

Athletics administrators can evaluate the Title IX compliance of their own athletics program as part of a new class offered by Good Sports, Inc.

The four-day course will teach participants how to conduct Title IX analyses and assess their institution’s compliance status for the range of Title IX requirements.

Good Sports, Inc., President Valerie M. Bonnette said the courses are intended to give people a hands-on, personal assessment experience.

“It’s sort of like driving a car,” Bonnette said. “It’s one thing to read a manual about how to drive a car; it’s another to get in the driver’s seat and turn the key. That’s what these classes are intended to do: Put people in the driver’s seat and have them turn the key.”

Participants are asked to bring significant information about their programs, including budgets, squad lists, coaching assignments, team schedules, scholarship information and questionnaires. Bonnette said she could have had participants evaluate a fictitious athletics program, but evaluating their own will be more valuable and a better use of time.

Courses will be offered in San Diego beginning in January 2010, with applications due beginning in October. Each class will range between five and 20 participants. Most courses run Monday-Thursday. Tuition is $1,850 and includes a copy of the self-evaluation manual: “Title IX and Intercollegiate Athletics: How It All Works – In Plain English.”  To obtain an application of for more information, contact Good Sports, Inc., at

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