NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Shukie named to director position

Nov 20, 2009 8:59:16 AM

The NCAA News

The NCAA recently named John Shukie director of academic and membership affairs. Shukie previously was an associate director in the same department.

In his new position, Shukie will:

  • Oversee administration of all Academic Performance Program data, including the Academic Progress Rate, Graduation Success Rate, data reviews and the head coaches’ APR portfolio
  • Provide leadership and support to the Committee on Academic Performance, specifically overseeing the work of CAP in its review of more serious historically based penalties and overseeing the work of the Data Collection Subcommittee
  • Oversee all existing Academic Performance Program data collection and penalty technology databases and programs
  • Oversee the work of the High School Review Committee and work closely with the high school review team at the Eligibility Center

Shukie holds an undergraduate degree from Bowdoin and a graduate degree from Massachusetts. He earned his law degree from Chicago. He worked as an attorney before joining the NCAA in January 2006.


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