NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Sheldon retiring from NSCAA post

Apr 23, 2009 9:11:25 AM

The NCAA News

Jim Sheldon, the executive director of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America since 1992, announced he will retire from the position May 1.

Sheldon, who also served as a member of the NCAA national office staff in the 1980s, has guided the NSCAA through unprecedented growth. As the organization’s first and only full-time executive director, Sheldon helped NSCAA membership grow from about 8,000 to more than 29,000 in 2008.

“Under Jim Sheldon’s leadership, the NSCAA has grown into one of the recognized leaders on the soccer landscape, both nationally and internationally,” said NSCAA President Randy Waldrum, the women’s coach at Notre Dame. “We are extremely grateful for his dedication to the NSCAA and wish him the best in this new chapter in his life.”

Sheldon, a 1975 Kansas graduate, lauded his organization for providing “a lifetime of memories and friendships.”

“It has been an honor to work for the NSCAA. Along the way, I hope I did a small part to advance the Association and our wonderful game,” Sheldon said.

After graduating from Kansas, Sheldon worked briefly in the newspaper field before returning to KU as assistant sports information director. He then joined the staff at the NCAA, where he served six and a half years in the publications and championships departments. He was a vice president for the 1990 Seattle Goodwill Games organizing committee before accepting the position with the NSCAA in 1992.

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