NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Registration opens for April forum

Jan 28, 2009 12:03:53 PM

The NCAA News

Registration for the 2009 NCAA Gender Equity and Issues Forum April 27-29 in San Diego is now open.

Donna Lopiano, the former CEO of the Women’s Sports Foundation and founder of Sports Management Resources, is among guest speakers for this year’s event. Lopiano will offer advice on ensuring gender equity during difficult economic times.

Loretta LoRoche, the founder and president of The Humor Potential, also will speak to attendees regarding stress management and using humor in the workplace. LoRoche has appeared on numerous broadcast networks discussing the subject. She writes a weekly column in the Patriot Ledger entitled, “Get a Life,” and has written several books, including “Squeeze the Day.”

Other highlights include one-on-one sessions during which attendees can meet with experts on topics such as gender-equity planning, EADA and NCAA financial reporting, Division I certification and Division II self-studies.

In addition, workshops on fund-raising, marketing women’s sports, pay equity and reviewing compensation systems – and a series on female student-athlete well-being issues – will be offered. Other sessions explore Title IX athletics issues, including presentations from industry experts like Janet Judge, Valerie Bonnette, Timothy O’Brien, Christine Grant and Judith Sweet.

The forum is free to NCAA institutional staff members and conference administrators. 

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