NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Registration opportunities open for all Regional Seminars

May 7, 2009 11:10:01 AM

The NCAA News

More than 1,100 attendees are prepared to attend the first of the 2009 NCAA Regional Rules Seminars next week in Atlanta, and advance registration remains open for the June seminar in Anaheim, California.

On-site registration will be offered for personnel from all three NCAA membership divisions at the Atlanta seminar.

This year’s seminars are May 11-15 in Atlanta and June 1-5 in Anaheim. Each again will offer a mix of Association-wide and division-specific sessions. The seminars are the NCAA’s primary annual gatherings for campus personnel involved in rules compliance.

In a change from past years, both seminars begin on Monday morning rather than Sunday afternoon, shortening the seminar week.

Both the Atlanta and Anaheim sessions feature separate tracks for Divisions I, II and III attendees, but they also feature midweek Association-wide sessions – including a symposium on the major-infractions process – that provide opportunities to mingle with and learn from colleagues from other schools.

The seminars typically attract not only institutional and conference compliance administrators but also faculty athletics representatives and personnel involved in such areas as eligibility certification, financial aid and academic advising.

The division-specific sessions at Atlanta’s Omni at CNN Center hotel include two Division I segments, running Monday morning through Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning; a Division II segment, running Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning; and a Division III segment, running Monday morning through Tuesday afternoon.

The June seminar at the Hilton Anaheim will follow the same schedule.

Both cities’ seminars will present many of the same sessions that have aimed in past years to help the Association’s membership stay current on rules and procedures. This year, an effort has been made to organize the programming into identifiable “tracks” that target levels of experience or areas of expertise.

As an example, a Division I track is aimed at recently hired compliance personnel, and another track focuses on academic issues.

Divisions II and III also address an assortment of topics during their segments of the seminars. In addition, the National Association of Division III Athletics Administrators will host its annual summer forum June 2-3 in Anaheim after the conclusion of the NCAA’s Division III programming.

Association-wide topics include collaboration between athletics and student affairs, NCAA drug policies and programs, student-athlete advisory committees and resources, gender equity and the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, and life-work balance.

A complete schedule for the seminars can be found here.

This year’s seminars also will be greener than in past years. Session materials have been posted online, giving attendees the option to print the materials or bring them along on a laptop computer.

The change eliminates the binders and handouts that have been provided in past years, although attendees will receive a printed program that includes the schedule and outlines of sessions.

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