NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Ramos to head NCAA new media staff

Apr 23, 2009 8:58:18 AM

The NCAA News

Ronnie Ramos, former senior editor at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, has been hired as managing director of new media strategies and content development at the NCAA national office. Ramos begins his duties May 4.

Ramos will serve as the lead strategist for communicating NCAA policies, advocacy messaging and activities through media other than print or traditional broadcasting.  In that capacity, Ramos will oversee the external communication function of the Association’s Web site ( and the Association’s official blog (the Double-A Zone at, among other platforms.

Ramos has been senior editor of sports and features at the Atlanta paper since 2004. He also served previously as executive editor of The Times in Shreveport, Louisiana, and as managing editor of The News-Press in Fort Myers, Florida. Ramos also spent 13 years at the Miami Herald, where as assistant city editor in 1992 he helped coordinate daily coverage of Hurricane Andrew, for which the paper won a Pulitzer Prize.

Ramos was one of 12 journalists selected as a Neiman Fellow at Harvard University in 2002-03, where he studied Hispanic integration into American society and the role language plays in the process.

He graduated from Miami (Florida) in 1984 with a degree in journalism.

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