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Organizational statements honor Brand

Sep 17, 2009 2:40:12 PM

The NCAA News

Universities, conferences and athletics organizations issued statements Wednesday and Thursday honoring NCAA President Myles Brand.

The statements included the following:

Indiana University

 “Myles Brand will be remembered among those very rare individuals who have made a truly transformative difference in the life of Indiana University. As president, he set IU on a path toward becoming a national and international leader in information technology, the life sciences and research. Under his leadership, IU experienced record enrollments, more than doubled its research funding, tripled the number of endowed faculty positions, quadrupled its endowment to $1 billion, and established the importance of diversity and inclusiveness − and this is only a glimpse of the enormous impact he had on the university.

“Throughout his time at IU, he was a leader of the greatest integrity, who was dedicated to the best traditions and values of this institution and those of American higher education in general. He also was a superb leader of the NCAA, and his passion for the centrality of the education of students in intercollegiate athletics was a beacon to colleges across the United States.

“This is a grievous loss for his wife Peg, his son Josh and his family, and our hearts go out to them. As someone who worked very closely with Myles for six years, I can truly say that I never worked for anyone better. I personally valued his wise counsel and his friendship, particularly when I became IU president. He inspired me, as he did all of those who had the pleasure and honor of working for him. Myles was a great president and an even greater man, and I have no doubt that his impact will continue to be felt at Indiana University for generations. My personal debt to him as the best, wisest and most constant of friends is immense, and I will miss him terribly. Laurie and I send our heartfelt condolences to Peg and his family.” (President Michael McRobbie)

Big Sky Conference

 “Myles redirected the NCAA at a critical time, and did a remarkable job transforming the organization. He was a consummate leader who was committed to education and the student-athlete. We will miss him.’’ (Commissioner Doug Fullerton)

Big Ten Conference

 “This is a sad moment for the Big Ten and the NCAA as a whole. Myles Brand was a tremendous leader at Indiana University and an active change agent in spotlighting academic improvement as the NCAA president. He made tremendous progress in moving the NCAA closer to its educational roots and transformed it into an organization concerned about the student component of the student-athlete. On behalf of the Big Ten, its institutions, presidents, faculty, coaches and student-athletes, we greatly appreciate the contributions made by Myles Brand, and our hearts go out to his family during this difficult time.” (Commissioner James E. Delany)

The Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics

“The Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics expresses its sorrow at the passing of NCAA President Myles Brand. President Brand’s many accomplishments at the NCAA will form a lasting legacy, adding to his distinguished career as a philosopher and university president. From the standpoint of the COIA faculty coalition, President Brand’s commitment to academic ideals and to guiding college sports towards a mission to support the pursuit of knowledge was an expression of values we celebrate. We benefited from his warm willingness to meet with our coalition, share ideas, and strengthen understanding among those with different perspectives on athletics.

“COIA extends its deep condolences to President Brand’s family. We also express our sympathies to our colleagues at the NCAA. Like them, we will miss President Brand’s leadership and personal engagement.”

National Association of Basketball Coaches and NABC Foundation

 “Myles had such significant impact on NCAA on college athletics and really brought a heart to the job. He was an immensely fair man, listened to all issues, and was a compassionate leader.

Like many who make an impact in society, his influence and impact does not leave us. Myles built a platform for the future and the seeds that he planted will bear fruit for a long time.

This is a sad day as we remember a man who really cared about student athletes and their academics. He had a keen interest in men’s basketball and was instrumental in helping the game grow. Our hearts and prayers are with his wife and family.” (Executive Director Jim Haney)

Women’s Basketball Coaches Association

“The WBCA is extremely saddened at the loss of Dr. Myles Brand.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Peg and his family.  His unprecedented support of Title IX, women’s athletics and especially women’s basketball has helped to pave the way and guarantee a bright future for all female student-athletes.  Myles was a tremendous supporter of mine, both personally and professionally.  Unless you had a benchmark prior to his arrival at the NCAA, it is difficult to understand the vast impact of positive change he had on our sport.  Through his vision, he laid a game plan that will be a great roadmap for many years to come.  Our pursuit of excellence will continue, though his advocacy, leadership and passion will greatly be missed.” (Beth Bass, WBCA CEO)

National Football Foundation

“Myles Brand was a true friend of the National Football Foundation. From attending our annual awards dinner in New York to speaking at the Play It Smart academic coach training convention, he believed in our mission, and he was always quick to lend his support to our efforts. He will be missed, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family.” (Archie Manning, president)

U.S. Olympic Committee

 “The U.S. Olympic Committee family is saddened to hear of the passing of NCAA President Myles Brand. He stood out as one of this nation’s most influential sports leaders. He worked tirelessly to transform college athletics and to bring athletic opportunities to young people throughout the country. 

“We admire, respect and appreciate the work Myles did on behalf of Olympic and amateur sport. He was invaluable in championing and ensuring the long-term success of the Olympic Movement by pushing the NCAA and the USOC to collaborate and partner in our efforts to grow and benefit youth sport. His efforts to preserve opportunities for Olympic sport at the collegiate level will leave a lasting impact.

“We extend our condolences to Myles’ family members and his many friends.” (Stephanie Streeter, acting CEO)

 “Myles was a trusted colleague and a good friend. Through his effort, intercollegiate athletics is much better today than when he assumed the position.  We have particularly made great progress on preparing student-athletes for college and ensuring that student-athletes progress toward meaningful degrees.

“His willingness to work alongside the USOC and facilitate solutions related to Olympic sports programs at colleges and universities is the type of contribution to sport that his career embodied.”  (Bob Bowlsby, USOC Board member and Stanford athletics director)

Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics

“College sports lost a friend and strong leader today in the passing of Myles Brand. The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics is saddened by the loss and remembers Dr. Brand for his spirited commitment to academic reform.

“Dr. Brand showed courage and tenacity in tackling tough issues.  We celebrate his achievements in spurring real change to enhance the educational experience of college athletes.”


“The NFHS office staff, Board of Directors and member state associations express their deepest regrets on the passing of Myles Brand. Our condolences go out to the NCAA staff, its member institutions as well as Dr. Brand’s family.

“In addition to his tremendous achievements with regard to academic reform at the college level, Dr. Brand had great support for the values of education-based athletic and fine arts activities in our nation’s high schools. He was a tremendous supporter of our efforts to emphasize that participation in high school activity programs helps prepare young people for life.

“We are appreciative of Dr. Brand’s willingness to speak to our membership at several national conferences. His openness to our agendas during the past six years has drawn the NCAA and NFHS closer together than at any time in the history of the two organizations.” (Robert F. Kanaby, executive director)

The Ivy League

NCAA President Myles Brand, the first university president to serve as the Association's chief executive and a champion of academic reform, fiscal responsibility and student-athlete well-being, died Wednesday from a year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 67.

“The Ivy League joins the collegiate athletics community in mourning the loss of Myles Brand. His visionary approach to advancing academic ideals and enhancing student-athlete welfare will be felt for many years to come,” said Ivy League Executive Director Robin Harris.


"Myles Brand will be remembered for his incredible vision for intercollegiate athletics and especially for his tireless advocacy for the student-athlete. We had the special privilege of Dr. Brand serving as our keynote Convention speaker in 2007, and were honored to have a sitting NCAA President address our athletic communications group for the first time.

His message to us reflected his great belief and commitment to improving the student-athlete experience and provide equal opportunity for men and women. Dr. Brand was a wonderful spokesman for the NCAA and the importance of intercollegiate athletics in higher educ ation, and guided the NCAA with integrity and honesty. He valued and appreciated the scope of athletic public relations and communications, and reminded us of the importance in addressing difficult issues with integrity as we focused on publicizing and promoting our institutional messages.

Again, Dr. Brand had a wonderful passion for the welfare of the student-athlete. He impressed upon all of us the importance of honoring and publicizing student-athlete achievements not only on the playing field, but in the classroom and community as well. We would all do well to carry out our professional responsibilities with the same high standards that Myles Brand established as President of the NCAA."

Justin Doherty, University of Wisconsin Assistant AD for External Relations
President, College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA)

Michigan State

Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon (Chair of the Big Ten Council of Presidents/Chancellors):

“Myles brought to the NCAA presidency a distinguished record of academic leadership and advocacy nationally, forged in the Big Ten. His integrity, his commitment to accountability, his high expectations of individuals and institutions and his record of reform – based on these long-demonstrated values – will form his legacy.

“Myles influenced many. Myles influenced the future. I personally share the feelings of those who say the Big Ten, the NCAA, indeed all of higher education have lost a valued leader, advocate and friend.”

Michigan State University Athletics Director Mark Hollis:

“We’re all deeply saddened by the passing of NCAA President Myles Brand. He truly was an advocate for student-athlete welfare, and he helped re-emphasize the importance of the student before athlete. Myles also will be remembered as a champion for academic reform.

“On behalf of the entire MSU Athletics Department, I wish to extend our condolences to his wife Peg and son Joshua.”

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