NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Norton joins NCAA accounting staff

Oct 16, 2009 9:47:53 AM

The NCAA News

Joy Norton has been hired as director of accounting at the NCAA national office. Norton, a certified public accountant who has 12 years of experience with Sallie Mae, Inc., replaces Joyce Collins, who left the Association in August.

Norton will oversee payroll administration, membership revenue distributions and accounting for all of the Association’s LLCs. She also will assist with budget implementation and all aspects of the annual financial audit.

Norton has an accounting degree from Indiana University, Bloomington, and an associate’s degree in marketing from Ball State University.

She spent the last eight years as director of corporate accounting for Sallie Mae’s Indianapolis branch. Norton also served as a divisional controller, accounting manager and senior accountant with the firm.

Norton also was a senior accountant with an Indianapolis auditing firm in the early 1990s.

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