NCAA News Archive - 2009

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News from the Zone

Jan 8, 2009 3:25:16 PM

Say it ain't so, Chicago

I thought it was a typo when I first read it. But, sure enough, University of Chicago's men's basketball team is 0-11.

Most people who don't follow Division III basketball closely wouldn't think twice about it. Must be a bad team having a bad season.

But let me tell you. This Chicago Maroons squad isn't your ordinary 0-11 team. Full Story

Bulldogs bolting for big bucks

Georgia's football team will look a little different next season after its quarterback Matthew Stafford and running back Knowshon Moreno have declared for the NFL Draft. Both are projected to be first round picks.

Canada wins world junior hockey tournament, again

Some of our friends to the North have been asking to include a mention about the country's fifth consecutive world junior hockey tournament triumph earlier this week. In case you were wondering, Canada defeated Sweden in the gold medal game, 5-1. Canada's roster includes one current NCAA hockey standout, Wisconsin's Cody Goloubef. Congratulations to Canada for yet another hockey victory.

Who's the better ball coach?

The Sun Sentinel's Dave Hyde thinks Urban Myer might be Florida's best football coach ever, better than Steve Spurrier.

"Tonight, with a win, lots of people can say Urban Meyer. He'll have two national titles, in four years, or one more than Spurrier had in 12 years. He'll have an .830 winning percentage to Spurrier's .817. He'll be the first coach to win two BCS national championships."

What do you think?

Boston College fires coach

Boston College fired Jeff Jagodzinski on Wednesday, after he was warned he would be dismissed if he interviewed for the coaching job with the New York Jets. Athletic director Gene DeFilippo said he fired Jagodzinski over a "difference of vision for the future." He said he wanted a coach who would stay at the school long term. Jagodzinski has been coach for two years and had three years left on his contract.

Did Boston College play hardball the right way?

Harvard > North Carolina?

Alright, I know it's early in the morning, but perhaps this little logic lesson will bring you back to your high school days.

From Wikipedia, a syllogism "is a kind of logical argument in which one proposition (the conclusion) is inferred from two others (the premises) of a certain form." We're going to apply this to some of the outcomes in college basketball from the past few days:

Major premise: Harvard is better than Boston College (at least they were last night with an 82-70 road victory)

Minor premise: Boston College is better than then No. 1-North Carolina (at least they were on Sunday with an 85-78 road victory)

Conclusion: Harvard is better than then No. 1-North Carolina??

Unfortunately, these two squads won't face each other this season (unless it's in the NCAA Tournament), so we'll never know if this syllogism is actually true. But it's a fun game to play, isn't it?

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