NCAA News Archive - 2009

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NCAA members re-evaluating travel costs

Jan 15, 2009 10:13:32 AM

The NCAA News

NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland – Shrinking athletics budgets and growing travel costs, including fuel costs and airline baggage surcharges, are forcing colleges and universities to re-evaluate travel agendas.

“Athletics Travel in Today’s Volatile Environment” was a topic discussed Wednesday at the 2009 NCAA Convention.

Dave Lacompte, president and chief executive officer of Short’s Travel Management offered these tips:

• Student-athletes should try to share bags when traveling. Almost all airlines have baggage surcharges depending on the number of bags being checked.

• When possible, ship bags and equipment to the venues ahead of time

• Look at bus charters as an alternative to commercial air travel.

• Travel with a smaller group.

• Look for alternative airports that may yield lower fares.

• Trade in charter buses for vans.

Kevin Maguire, travel manager for intercollegiate athletics at Texas, advocated a “managed travel program.”

“College and Universities must have control of their travel programs,” he said. “A managed travel program is a must have in today’s environment.”

A managed travel program gives institutions a more complete understanding of travel needs and expenses and also helps institutions secure better rates when negotiating and booking travel.

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