NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Executive Committee adopts wagering policy

Aug 6, 2009 5:17:17 PM

The NCAA News

The NCAA Executive Committee has adopted a policy related to sports wagering and the conduct of NCAA championships.

The Executive Committee, composed of chancellors and presidents from all three NCAA membership divisions, agreed at its August 6 meeting in Indianapolis to implement the following policy:

“No predetermined or non-predetermined session of an NCAA championship may be conducted in a state with legal wagering that is based upon single-game betting (high school, college or professional) in a sport in which the NCAA conducts a championship.”

Single-game betting is defined as wagering that involves either a money line or point-spread wager. The recommended policy would not apply to those states that may offer parlay betting, lottery tickets or sports pools/pull tabs.

The Executive Committee approved the policy to ensure the integrity of the game, to provide consistency in awarding NCAA championships and to address student-athlete well-being concerns.

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