NCAA News Archive - 2009

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National office monitors H1N1 flu outbreak

Apr 30, 2009 5:11:39 PM

The NCAA News

Related Association  news
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The NCAA is closely monitoring the H1N1 flu outbreak and any impact the illness could have on spring championships and overall operations.

The NCAA national office is in regular contact with federal officials for updates on the outbreak. The office also is in contact with all championship host institutions regarding on-site planning and conditions. As of now, no changes are expected at any NCAA championship sites.

Additionally, the national office is in communication with member conferences regarding their ongoing planning for conference championships.

Depending on the progression of the outbreak, adjustments could be made in the best interests for the health and well-being of student-athletes who are competing in NCAA championships.

The following links provide credible information that is useful as the situation continues to evolve:
-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
-World Health Organization


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