NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Month at a glance

Oct 12, 2009 9:08:30 AM

The NCAA News

Here are NCAA meetings and events scheduled during the coming month:


Date Committee/event City
October 15-18 Leadership Institute for Ethnic Minority Males and Females (Session II) Indianapolis
October 16-18 Division III Leadership Conference (South/West regions) Dallas
October 18 NCAA Woman of the Year Banquet Indianapolis
October 19-20 Division I Legislative Council Indianapolis
October 19-20 Divisions II and III Management Councils Indianapolis
October 19-20 Degree-Completion Program Consultants Memphis
October 19-21 Division I Women’s Basketball Committee San Antonio
October 23-25 Division I Regional Leadership Conference (Mid-
Atlantic region)
October 26-27 Division I Committee on Academic Performance Indianapolis
October 28 Myles Brand Tribute Indianapolis
October 29 Division I Board of Directors Indianapolis
October 29 Divisions II and III Presidents Councils Indianapolis
October 29 Executive Committee Indianapolis
November 2-3 Division II Legislation Committee Indianapolis
November 3-4 Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct Indianapolis
November 3-4 Division III Financial Aid Committee Indianapolis
November 3-6 Division I Men’s Basketball Committee Houston


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