NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Month at a glance

Sep 21, 2009 9:03:40 AM

The NCAA News

Here are NCAA meetings and events scheduled during the coming month:

Date Committee/event City
September 21-22 Division I Recruiting and Athletics Personnel Issues Cabinet Indianapolis
September 21-22 Division III Interpretations and Legislation Committee Indianapolis
September 22 Division III Nominating Committee Indianapolis
September 24-25 Division I Amateurism Cabinet Indianapolis
September 24-25 Division II Academic Requirements Committee Indianapolis
September 25-27 Division II Leadership Academy (Mid-Atlantic and New England regions) Boston
September 28-29 High School Review Committee Indianapolis
September 30-October 1 International Student Records Committee Indianapolis
October 6 Division I Leadership Council Indianapolis
October 16-18 Division III Leadership Conference (South/West regions) Dallas

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