NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Membership Report available on

Feb 3, 2009 3:01:04 PM

The NCAA News

The 2008 NCAA Membership Report, which details the activities of the Association over the last year, is now available on

This is the second consecutive year that the report has been made available exclusively as an online document, following through on the national office’s commitment to curtail paper use where possible.

The format for the report is similar to last year’s. Improvements have been made to load the report faster and to reduce the transit time between sections.

As always, the report highlights the Association’s finances over the last year, including an audited financial statement from KPMG. Other information, including membership data, a membership roster, governance rosters and championships results also is included, along with descriptions of various programs.

This year, the report also includes a description of the components of the Division I revenue-distribution program, along with a five-year archive of previous membership reports.

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