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Lopiano to speak at NCAA forum

Apr 2, 2009 9:06:39 AM

The NCAA News

Former Women’s Sports Foundation executive director Donna Lopiano will headline the opening session of this year’s NCAA Gender Equity and Issues Forum.

Set for April 27-29 in San Diego, the annual forum is free of charge to NCAA institutional staff members and conference administrators. The event will feature expert panelists and presenters on topics ranging from entry-level Title IX concepts and gender-equity planning to strategies for dealing with the most complex issues affecting women in intercollegiate sports.

This year, workshop topics will include marketing women’s sports, fund-raising, pay equity, female student-athlete well-being and how to conduct a Title IX review. Lopiano, now the president of Sports Management Resources, a consulting firm, will focus her remarks on managing gender equity in difficult economic times.

For the second consecutive year, both the keynote and closing addresses will emphasize participants’ personal well-being. Humorist and author Loretta LaRoche will serve as the keynote speaker and will talk about work/life balance issues, stress management and using humor in the workplace.

“It seems like an important time for staff members around the country to recognize when they need a little relief from the stress they are all under right now,” said Karen Morrison, NCAA director of gender initiatives.

Kathleen Kunkler, a vice president at Morgan Stanley, will offer closing remarks related to managing personal finances, and women investing in themselves.

“We know schools and conferences are under a lot of strain right now trying to figure out how they are going to manage their budgets and priorities,” said Morrison. “Gender equity is always a piece of that puzzle, so having the most up-to-date information is critical while they are making those decisions.”

Interested participants are strongly encouraged to register online in advance. Forum materials will be distributed on flash drives this year in an effort to be more environmental friendly. 

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