NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Library Journal recognizes NCAA Champion magazine

Apr 24, 2009 9:59:23 AM

The NCAA News

NCAA Champion magazine was recognized as one of the “Best of 2008” in the May 1 issue of Library Journal.

The article highlighted 10 new magazines in various fields.

“Given the deep recession that took hold in 2008 and the risks inherent in launching a new magazine, it’s remarkable that publishers took the leap to inaugurate this fine crop of new titles,” wrote author Steve Black.

NCAA Champion was launched in January 2008. It is a quarterly publication devoted to chronicling activities within the Association and promoting the value of intercollegiate athletics. It is provided as a benefit of membership to athletics administrators and coaches at all NCAA member institutions.

Other publications to be honored were BBC Knowledge, Bible Study Magazine, Culture: The Word on Cheese, Food Network Magazine, Lapham’s Quarterly, Miller-McCune, Science Illustrated, Strategy and World Affairs.

Library Journal reports news about the library world and also reviews library-related materials and equipment. It has the highest circulation of any librarianship journal (about 100,000).


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