NCAA News Archive - 2009

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In the Zone

Apr 21, 2009 3:17:04 PM


The system deserves a chance to work

Atlanta Journal writer Michael Carvell recently encouraged Georgia football coach Mark Richt to stage an act of civil disobedience to call attention to what Carvell believed to be wrong-headed NCAA legislation.

The case involved Georgia recruit Chris Burnette, one of the nation's top-rated offensive lineman - and also valedictorian at Troup (Georgia) High School. Richt apparently told Burnette that he was the first valedictorian that he had ever recruited and that if Burnette earned the right to speak during graduation, Richt would be there.

"Then the big and bad NCAA got in the way," Carvell wrote.


Wii should be more careful

Last year I limped into my sports medicine doctor's office complaining of an injured knee. How'd I get hurt? It was a heroic leap to save my personal best...on Dance, Dance Revolution (DDR for those in the know).

Turns out, despite the ridicule, I'm not alone.

Athlete with one leg offers inspiration

In a recent column, USA Today's Christine Brennan recounts the story of a one-legged linebacker at Bethune-Cookman College. The athlete, Carl Joseph, will be inducted into the Florida High School Athletic Hall of Fame this weekend.

Youth and Experience

A Florida high school senior, Patrick Schuster, pitched his fourth consecutive no-hitter Monday.

John Wooden: Coaching for people, not points

This isn't a new speech by Coach Wooden, but it was recently made available on the TED Web site and the lessons are timeless enough to merit watching over and over again.



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