NCAA News Archive - 2009

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In the Zone

Apr 20, 2009 4:11:04 PM


Commercialism and the Student-Athlete

In this episode, NCAA President Myles Brand explores the proper balance between athletics and commercialism.


Should it cost the same to attend a women's game?

Laura Pappano writes in a provocative op-ed piece, "There aren't many bargains in sports, but one of them is NCAA Division I women's college basketball - and that's a problem." Do you agree?


We're sorry, so sorry

We apologize to regular readers of the Double-A Zone. As you may have noticed, we've been down a few days.


Thomas hire prompts protest

We reported last week that Florida International has decided to hire former Knicks coach Isiah Thomas as its head coach. The decision is being met with some controversy, however, prompting a faculty protest.


Carrot or cruelty?

A showdown is happening in gyms around the country. The athletes are stubborn and the fans willing to shell out dough (and carrots) to see the action.


Is adding football a competitive advantage?

Georgia State will field a football team for the first time in 2010. The decision was examined in a recent New York Times article, arguing that the move will have community-building advantages, helping the school combat its commuter school image.


Harper to fill Kay Yow vacancy

Kellie (Jolly) Harper is leaving Western Carolina to coach at North Carolina State, succeeding the late Kay Yow, who passed away earlier this year after a long battle with breast cancer.


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