NCAA News Archive - 2009

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In the Zone

Apr 24, 2009 4:00:57 PM


What motivated the mystery donor?
An anonymous donor has given Michigan State $10 million. The donation is the latest in a string of mysterious (and sizable) bequests given to female-run institutions around the country. At least 13 schools have received nearly $70 million, all with...


Report: Florida asks athletics department for $6 million
According to Jeremy Fowler or the Orlando Sentinel, the University of Florida's latest budget proposal for the 2009-10 season is asking the University Athletic Association, a self-sufficient marketing arm, for $6 million.

Florida football team honored at White House
The University of Florida football team traveled to Washington, D.C. on Thursday to meet with President Barack Obama in the White House. The Gators were honored for winning the 2008 National Championship.

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