NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Jan 16, 2009 6:05:09 PM


Billie Jean King Exclusive Interview

Watch this exclusive interview with tennis legend and NCAA Ford Winner Billie Jean King. Billie Jean wants to hear from you, so make sure to add your comments....



Questions from Convention: What's been your favorite part of Convention?

Today, as the 2009 Convention begins to wind down, we asked Convention attendees the following question: What's been your favorite part of this year's Conventon? You can see the responses in the video below.


DePauw student-athlete assists with plane crash rescue

DePauw softball student-athlete Megan Soultz is currently serving a winter-term internship with a firehouse in New York City. Shortly after the U.S. Airways airplane crash yesterday afternoon in the Hudson River, Soultz was on the scene, helping with the rescue efforts. Luckily, all 155 people on the airplane survived the crash.


Georgetown's Thompson III urges his student-athletes to attend inauguratio

The swearing-in-ceremony of Barack Obama will take place this Tuesday in Washington D.C., and Georgetown Basketball Coach John Thompson III is urging his student-athletes to attend the event.


Middle school recruiting off-limits for college coaches

The NCAA Division I Legislative Council has voted to ban communication between college coaches and prospects (defined as seventh- and eighth-graders).


Bowdoin to shut down historic hockey arena this weekend

This weekend will mark the final games in the 52-year history of Bowdoin's Dayton Arena.




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