NCAA News Archive - 2009

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In the Zone

Jan 15, 2009 3:50:29 PM


Questions from Convention: How important is good fan behavior?

Today, the NCAA Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct introduced RESPECT, a new sportsmanship program geared at addressing poor fan behavior at intercollegiate sporting events. Continuing with this sportsmanship theme, we asked various Convention attendees to answer the following question:...


Heisman winner Bradford staying in school

Yesterday, Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford announced he will remain at the school for his junior season. Bradford was draft-eligible this year because he has been on the Norman campus for three years (he redshirted his first year).


Pittsburgh mayor's name change: Luke

We know this story isn't related to intercollegiate athletics, but it's too good to pass up. Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl has officially changed his name to Luke Steelerstahl to show his proper allegiance for this weekend AFC Championship game.


Memphis dominating Conference

Memphis' men's basketball team hasn't been defeated in a Conference USA game since March 2006. In total, that is 1,049 days without a conference loss. The streak was nearly broken Tuesday night, although Antonio Anderson's buzzer-beater to beat Tulsa saved the day for the Tigers.


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