NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Executive Committee OKs Indy meeting policy

May 4, 2009 9:47:43 AM

The NCAA News

The NCAA Executive Committee has approved a recommendation from its finance committee that, as a first option, all future NCAA committee meetings will be held in Indianapolis. 

Presidential leadership boards within the NCAA governance structure already adhere to the policy (except for sessions conducted in conjunction with the annual NCAA Convention), but the new policy applies to the more than 200 NCAA governance and sport committees throughout Divisions I, II and III.

Executive Committee members cited increased efficiency and effectiveness of national office operations as reasons for the change, which is projected to save about $500,000 when fully implemented. In addition, the national office can leverage its meeting space and other services, such as technology, that are more cost-efficient for the meetings that are held in the national office.

The new policy includes a limited number of exceptions, such as for meetings that already have a signed contract for a property outside of Indianapolis or for meetings when lodging and meeting space are not available in Indianapolis. Exceptions also will be granted if it can be demonstrated that the meeting can be run more efficiently and cost-effectively outside of Indianapolis. In those cases, national office staff liaisons will work with the NCAA travel-service provider to identify locations.

The action coincides with other better business practices the Executive Committee approved at its April 30 meeting in Indianapolis. Committee members approved a national office staff recommendation of best practices and business efficiencies projected to save about $4.7 million this fiscal year. In addition, the Executive Committee approved a recommendation to suspend membership dues for 2009-10, which results in a savings of about $1.6 million for the membership.

In other action at the Executive Committee meeting, members agreed to appoint a working group of presidents representing all three NCAA divisions to work with a similar group of presidents from National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics institutions to consider future collaboration opportunities.

The Executive Committee also agreed to extend Michael Adams’ term as chair of the committee for one more year (through April 2010). Adams, president at Georgia, has been a member of the Division I Board of Directors since April 2005 and a member of the Executive Committee since April 2007.

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