NCAA News Archive - 2009

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ECAC announces cost-reduction efforts

Aug 11, 2009 8:49:06 AM

The NCAA News

The ECAC recently announced multiple cost-reduction initiatives for the upcoming academic year.

To better manage costs, the league eliminated a full-time staff position in marketing and contracted with an outside firm and eliminate four director positions as part of the restructuring of the five ECAC Division III ice hockey leagues.

ECAC officials also cited administrative staff reductions and steps to renegotiate existing and expiring contracts with vendors.

The conference will no longer print media guides and plans to reduce the quantities of printed game and event programs.

The ECAC has already established a policy to discontinue postseason events that field less than four teams and to rely on local committee members and league-appointed individuals to serve as on-site representatives at championships events to help reduce staff travel and lodging expenses. In March, the league announced that officiating game/contest fees will not increase for the new academic year, but will remain the same as in 2008-09.

For more information about the conference’s cost-savings initiatives, click here.



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