NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Double-A Zone Rewind

Feb 27, 2009 11:14:38 AM

The NCAA News

More than just wins and losses

Indiana is in the middle of a trying rebuilding season, but a gesture by Hoosiers coach Tom Crean is making the most of the situation.

Crean gave student-manager Michael Santa the thrill of a lifetime Wednesday night when he allowed Santa to suit up and play the final 70 seconds in Indiana's 75-63 loss to Northwestern.


Should public school coaches participate in team prayers?

The U.S. Court of Appeals says no, and now the Supreme Court is deciding whether to hear the case. Does a coach's involvement in a student-led, student-organized team prayer cross the line? The court's decision could have a wide-reaching impact on high school and potentially college athletics.


The state of college athletics

The words "economic downturn" have become a popular phrase. It's tough to stay positive amid all the media reports about institutions eliminating sports programs, athletics departments slashing budgets and people losing their jobs.

Are things really this bad, or does the media focus too much on the negative stories?

Lost amid the negative media coverage are all the great things college and universities continue to do for student-athletes.


Are do-or-die free throws the most pressure-packed situation in sports?

As kids, many of us spent hours at our local park or gymnasium playing out the following situation in our minds: virtually no time remaining in the game, down one point, and two free throws for the win. Sometimes you'd make the free throws to win the game, other times you'd miss and lose...but hey, it was all for fun.

But what happens when it’s suddenly real life? Is there a more pressure-packed situation in sports than on the charity stripe with the game completely in your control?



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