NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Double-A Zone Rewind

Mar 6, 2009 1:21:24 PM

Want to buy a ticket? Make a donation

During the current economic downturn, institutions are searching for new ways to generate revenue for its athletics departments.  The University of Toledo has come up with a unique way to make money.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer's Doug Lesmerises writes, "When Ohio State and Toledo play each other in football at Cleveland Browns Stadium on Sept. 19, most of the fans probably will be rooting for the Buckeyes -- but they'll technically be boosters of Toledo football."

Are there other creative ways school's are trying to generate revenue?


Going green on the diamond

Here's something you don't see every day. The scoreboard at South Carolina's baseball stadium is partially powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.  Faculty members of the school's College of Engineering and Computing created the world's first hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered scoreboard to showcase the school's commitment to developing alternative energy sources.


Oregon might adopt a college equivalent of the Rooney Rule

A bill set to be introduced in the Oregon Legislature would require state universities to interview at least one minority candidate before hiring a head football coach. The bill is similar to the NFL's Rooney Rule, which requires all NFL teams to interview minority candidates for a head coaching opportunity.

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