NCAA News Archive - 2009

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DiFusco to coordinate women's hockey officiating

Dec 23, 2009 8:07:23 AM

The NCAA News

Long-time referee and officiating manager Tom DiFusco has been selected to be the NCAA coordinator of women’s ice hockey officials.

DiFusco is currently the coordinator of officials for the Eastern College Athletic Conference, a role he assumed in 2006 and will retain through the end of the 2009-10 season.

“Tom is a proven leader in women’s ice hockey officiating and is a perfect fit for this position,” said Jeff Schulman, senior associate athletic director at Vermont and chair of the National Collegiate Women’s Ice Hockey Committee. “Tom’s professional skills, coupled with his personal commitment to the sport, make him the right person to lead this program in the future.”

“I am excited to accept this position and look forward to improving and supporting officiating in women’s ice hockey,” said DiFusco. “We have a wonderful game and the student-athletes who play it deserve the best possible officiating we can provide.”

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