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CoSIDA to honor Brand and Gatti

Jun 9, 2009 9:30:37 AM

The NCAA News

The College Sports Information Directors of America announced NCAA President Myles Brand and ESPN executive Rosa Gatti as recipients of two of its top awards.

Brand will be presented with the Keith Jackson Eternal Flame Award and Gatti will be presented with the Trailblazer Award. CoSIDA will honor them during its annual convention June 21-25 in San Antonio.

Brand is the sixth recipient of the Eternal Flame Award, which is given to an individual or organization that has made a lasting contribution to intercollegiate athletics, demonstrated a long and consistent commitment to excellence and loyally supported CoSIDA and its mission. Other recipients have been the GTE Corporation (1999), Dick Enberg (2001), Rosa Gatti (2003), Jim Albright (2005) and Dick Vitale (2008).

The Trailblazer Award is annually given to an individual who is a pioneer in the sports information field and who has mentored and helped improve the level of ethnic and gender diversity within CoSIDA.

Gatti, currently a senior vice president at ESPN in charge of communications counsel and corporate outreach, joined the sports network in its first year of operation in 1980 as director of communications. A year later she was named as a vice president and was elevated to senior vice president in 1988. Gatti formerly was sports information director at Brown from 1976-80 and at her alma mater, Villanova, where she began as a secretary in the sports information department. In 1974, she became the first female SID in what then was known as the university division.

Both Brand and Gatti will receive their awards on June 23. Brand will be honored at the annual workshop’s kickoff luncheon and Gatti will be recognized at the annual workshop.

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